Computer Science
The new OCR GCSE Computer Science specification has taken the best elements from the extremely successful GCSE Computing specification and modernised and reformed it. The Computer Science qualification will, above all else, be relevant to the modern and changing world of technology. Computer Science is a practical subject where learners can apply the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom to real world problems. It is a creative subject that involves invention and excitement. This qualification will value computational thinking, helping learners to develop the skills to solve problems and design systems that do so.
These skills will be the best preparation for learners who want to go on to study Computer Science at A Level and beyond. The qualification will also provide a good grounding for other subject areas that require problem solving and analytical skills, subjects such as Engineering and Science. Computational thinking is, in essence, the ability to think about any problem logically, compare to previous experience and develop a solution; it is not simply instructions and actions. Computational thinkers are able to see algorithms, processes and data and know how to then implement them in their chosen language.
Almost every career in the future will have an element of computing involved, whether it is digital doctors or GPS farmers. The more knowledge you have, the more control you will have and the more jobs will be available to you at higher salaries.
A minimum of grade 4 in Mathematics and Computing in Year 9 is required because there is a strong link between Mathematics and computational thinking.
Students will be given time to carry out a reasonable programming project during the course of study.
A keen interest in Computing and Technology and some interest in or experience of programming would be beneficial.