Combined Science





• To develop interest in, and enthusiasm for, Science. 

• To develop a critical approach to scientific evidence and methods. 

• To acquire and apply skills, knowledge and understanding of how Science works and its essential role in society.

• To acquire scientific skills, knowledge and understanding necessary for progression to further learning.

All students obtain at least two Science GCSEs. Most students attain two GCSE grades in Science by studying the “Combined Science” course which contains all the 3 Sciences. Some students will decide to take Separate Sciences by choosing ‘Science’. Separate Sciences leads to three individual GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. To be eligible for the Separate Sciences course, students must attain at least a grade 5 in their Year 9 Teacher Assessment. 


Students are placed in four sets within each half year block. There will likely be the Separate Science set and three Combined Science sets for each half of the year. For students in the Combined Science sets, there will be the opportunity to move sets at the end of year 10. For each course, students can be entered for Higher tier (grades 4 – 9) or Foundation tier (grades 1 – 5). 


Combined Science

Over the two year course the students will study the following topics from Biology, Physics and Chemistry:


The course is linear and is assessed by six exam papers each lasting 1hr 15mins: two Biology, two Chemistry, two Physics. 15% of the questions will relate to twenty-one key experiments/ practical activities that will take place over the duration of the course.

The grade awarded is determined by the combined scores of the six exams.