English Language & English Literature
Each student will follow a course of study for English Language and English Literature, two separate GCSEs which are taught concurrently. Although they are two independent subjects, the courses run together within the English timetable.
As part of the English Language GCSE course which all students undertake, a range of challenging, high quality literature from the 19th, 20th and 21st century is studied. These texts will cover a range of genres including literary non-fiction. The texts used will provide opportunities for developing interpretative, analytical and evaluative skills in preparation for the reading sections of the final examinations. The examinations also test writing skills in a range of genres and styles, and include a significant focus on accuracy and fluency of communication. Students will in addition be assessed in their use of Spoken Language; particular emphasis is placed on speeches and presentations.
Students will study a wider range of content for the English Literature GCSE. This will include a Shakespeare text, a post 1914 British play or novel, a 19th century novel and a poetry collection. Whole texts will be studied to develop students’ comprehension, critical reading and analytical skills, and their ability to write with clarity and coherence using accurate Standard English.
The GCSE cohort is divided into half year groups, with each year half comprising four sets. All sets will study English Language and English Literature.
Students are allocated to a particular set on the basis of their performance throughout KS3. The final Key Stage 3 Teacher Assessment will be considered along with other evidence, but should not be regarded as the sole criterion for set choices.
GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature does not offer tiered entry. All students entered for each qualification sit the same examinations leading to a final award from the full range of grades.
Each examination tests a range of reading and writing skills. Students will be expected to analyse and evaluate writers’ choices of language and structure in extracts from 19th, 20th and 21st century texts. They will also be expected to write for a variety of purposes and forms within each examination.
There are two papers, one lasting for 1 hour and 45 minutes and another lasting for 2 hours 05 minutes.
The preparation and assessment of spoken language is a compulsory requirement of the course of study. Students will be expected to undertake a range of Speaking and Listening activities covering a variety of situations and purposes, including formal presentations. This element does not contribute to the final GCSE outcome, but a separately reported grade is indicated on the GCSE English Language certificate.
Four substantial texts are to be studied, including Shakespeare and at least one novel.
The students must study and will be examined on a Shakespeare text, a Post-1914 British play or text novel, a 19th Century novel, and a range of poetry including unseen poetry.
There are two papers, one lasting for 1 hour and 45 minutes and another lasting for 2 hours 15 minutes.
Written Examinations determine 100% of the final grade.